
在英文里面会有一些与中文逻辑思维完全相悖的构造方式,导致我们中国人很能适应并掌握它的用法,于是干脆把它当成生僻的语法知识抛向一边,每次见到这类表达,我们会想当然地找一个自己舒适的理解区域,宁可不求甚解,也不愿盘根问底,因为这类问题思考久了,会让我们的CPU长时间处于满负荷运转,导致“发热”和“宕机”。于是,很多在英语里高频常见的句子(如Anything but,any more than, no more than)成了我们的拦路虎,进而导致我们在输入时会产生障碍,更别说在输出时能够做到信手拈来了。


其实这种让人感觉到“拧巴”的英文表达谈不上是什么语法要点,更多的是西方人的一种输出思维习惯的显现。比如中文里面“我怀疑他是个好人”与“我怀疑他不是个好人”,这两句话在意思上是相近的,这里的怀疑都是“对某事心中存疑”,逻辑上是相同的,中国人认为怀疑某个事情,本身就是在纠结一个“是和不是、成立和不成立”的问题,当你怀疑一个事情的时候,并不存在“我是正面怀疑、还是负面怀疑。” 中文里的怀疑,即有揣测、也有质疑,但在英语里面,揣测是揣测、质疑是质疑。

“I suspect he is a good person” 表示说话者认为他是好人,但是有一些事情可能使说话者怀疑他的好人形象。

而 “I suspect he is not a good person” 则表明说话者认为他不是一个好人,而这个想法可能是基于说话者对他的过去行为或者是其他的一些信息的了解。

再比如前天我们学的一个概念:“Are you saying that I am too emotional? I’m saying that even italians take a break now and again.”,当我们读到这里面的“take a break”的时候,按照惯性思维我们脑子里第一时间出现的画面感可能是“休息、歇息”的意思。

Take a break

在这个语境中,“take a break” 意味着暂停一下,冷静下来,尤其是在强烈的情绪中。说话者建议,即使这个人正在悲痛和情绪激动,也要花一点时间来让自己平静下来。短语“even Italians……” 指的是意大利人表现得情感丰富和热情洋溢的刻板印象,暗示即使是非常情绪化的意大利人也会时不时消停会,而你这个老女人却一直在那儿哭哭啼啼闹得人心烦。

看美剧学高频短语:Take a break
Anything but:
The phrase “anything but” is typically used to express the idea that something is completely the opposite of what is being described or expected. (绝不、根本不)

E.G.1:I’ve known Rex and Bree for nearly 20 years. And I’ve never had any reason to suspect they were anything but a happy, loving couple, which is why this seems so strange. (S02E02 26:22)

E.G.2:Good. I’m going to go, uh, make myself some warm milk. Would you like something to drink? — Anything but apple wine. (DH S01E02 07:19)

E.G.3:So the most we can offer any stranger is reasonable doubt. But once the doubt is gone, people are anything but reasonable. (DH S03E09 03:59)

E.G.4:Well,you can help. Didn’t that captain give you lessons last summer? Oh,that’s right… those two boring hours I’ll never get back. Well,the good news is this trip will be anything but boring. (DH S04E07 09:04)

Nothing but:The phrase “nothing but” is commonly used to indicate that something is solely or exclusively composed of or characterized by the thing or concept being mentioned. (只不过,不过是)

How dare you think that of me? I have been nothing but faithful to you! … since you’ve been in here. (DH S02E06 26:02)

I don’t deserve this. I have been nothing but supportive of you…since you got out of jail. (DH S05E18 07:47)

Oh, what do you know? — You’re nothing but a boring housewife… -Shut up! (DH S07E05 35:10)

Why would this room freak him out? — ‘Cause it was where Celia was conceived, and frankly, that kid’s been nothing but trouble. (DH S08E12 05:04)

Any more than:“Any more than” is a phrase used to indicate that something is not exceeding a particular limit or amount. It is used to emphasize that the limit has already been reached, and that anything beyond that limit is not possible or desirable. (较……多些的,比…..多出的; “Any more than” 前面通常会加上否定语态,用来表示某件事不会超过一个特定的限制或数量的短语,它用于强调限制已经达到,任何超过这个限制的事情都是不可能或不可取的。)

E.G.1:Zach and I are moving. We don’t need to carry any more with us than is necessary. (DH S01E06 04:43)

E.G.2:You just have to know that I am so racked with guilt, I don’t think it’s possible for me to suffer any more than I am already suffering. (DH S01E12 38:47)

E.G.3:Why wouldn’t she want $7,000? Because it’s for a boob job. So? So her boobs are fine. And, honestly, what he’s doing to her self-esteem is just cruel. I feel sorry for her. — Please, you don’t care about her self-esteem any more than I do. (DH S02E02 28:30)

E.G.4:I’m so sorry, bye. I’ll call you — What? – Sorry, a force of habit. Look, this thing doesn’t have to mean any more than we decided us. (DH S06E11 12:40)

Bree:How could you, Karl? In our own bed.
Karl:Yeah you are right, that was tacky.
Courtney:I’m so sorry, bye
Karl:Speaks to Courney:I’ll call you
Bree:What? –
Karl:Sorry, a force of habit.
——>> Look, this thing doesn’t have to mean any more than we decided us
Bree:You made vow to me, Karl
——>> Oh my god. What did I think I could change you?
Karl:Yeah, I know.
Karl:You thought you can turn me into your personal labdog, like Orson.
Bree:You leave Orson out of this.
——>>I haven’t done a thing to you that you didn’t do to him. 
Bree:Get out of my house.

注释:The sentence “I haven’t done a thing to you that you didn’t do to him” means that the speaker has not done anything to the listener that the listener did not do to someone else (the implied “him”). The speaker is essentially saying that the listener has no grounds to criticize or condemn the speaker’s actions, since the listener has done the same thing in the past. The sentence implies that the listener is being hypocritical in judging the speaker’s actions while having engaged in similar behavior themselves. Overall, the sentence is an attempt to deflect criticism and shift the focus onto the listener’s own past actions.


No more…than:The phrase “no more… than…” is used to indicate that one thing is not significantly different from another thing in a particular aspect. It suggests that the two things being compared are equally comparable or have similar characteristics. (这个短语表示在某个方面两件事情没有显著的不同。它表明比较的两个事物同样可比或具有相似的特征。No more后面一般会接名词、形容词或代词)

E.G.1:Have you never thought of visiting Africa? And why should I go to Africa, Mr Carson? I’m no more African than you are. (DA S04E06 37:07)

E.G.2:I admit I am quite interested, but when it comes to getting him here, I would say you have no more chance than a cat in hell without claws. (DA S06E05 03:13)

E.G.3:Yeah, but look, look, it’s no more risky than working with all these crazy billionaires. (Silicon Valley S04E06 04:12)

E.G.4:A truth that matters can’t stay hidden and it’s no more complicated than that. (TNC S03E02 09:09)

E.G.5:I understand you plan to support your wife by playing the piano? Isn’t that kind of unstable? — No more so than acting. (Friends S10E12 08:09)

The difference between suspect and doubt:

While “suspect” and “doubt” can be used interchangeably in some contexts, there are subtle differences in their meanings.

“Suspect” implies a stronger belief that something is true or likely to be true, often based on some evidence or observation. For example, if someone is suspected of a crime, it means there is evidence or reason to believe they may have committed it.

“Doubt,” on the other hand, implies a lack of certainty or confidence in something. It suggests that one is not completely convinced or sure about something. For example, if someone doubts the veracity of a statement, it means they are uncertain about whether it is true or not.

In summary, “suspect” implies a stronger belief or likelihood, while “doubt” suggests uncertainty or lack of conviction.

“Anything but,” “nothing but,” “anymore than,” and “no more…than”都是用于比较和对比事物的短语。然而,它们的意义和侧重点略有不同。

“Anything but”表示与某物完全相反。例如,”我一点也不累,相反我很有精神”表示我一点也不累。侧重点在于所述事物与它的反面之间的极端差异。

“Nothing but”表示除了被描述的事物外,没有其他事物。例如,”我对他只有敬意,没有其他感情”表示我只对他有敬意,没有其他感情。侧重点在于被描述事物的排他性。

“Any more than” 前面通常会加上否定语态,用来表示某件事不会超过一个特定的限制或数量的短语,它用于强调限制已经达到,任何超过这个限制的事情都是不可能或不可取的。

“No more…than”表示两个被比较的事物之间的差异微小或不存在。例如,”我和他一样聪明”表示我们的智商水平相似。侧重点在于被比较的两个事物之间的相似性或缺乏差异。

更多强调方式:not…butToo,enough程度副词“Way too much”、“Nothing like”、“Not even close”、”more than“


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